Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Istam voluptatem, inquit, Epicurus ignorat? Quamquam tu hanc copiosiorem etiam soles dicere. Quid, de quo nulla dissensio est? Quod ea non occurrentia fingunt, vincunt Aristonem; Dulce amarum, leve asperum, prope longe, stare movere, quadratum rotundum. Nam si amitti vita beata potest, beata esse non potest.

Et non ex maxima parte de tota iudicabis? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Poterat autem inpune; Ut scias me intellegere, primum idem esse dico voluptatem, quod ille don. An quod ita callida est, ut optime possit architectari voluptates? Erat enim Polemonis.

Faceres tu quidem, Torquate, haec omnia; Quod iam a me expectare noli. Idem etiam dolorem saepe perpetiuntur, ne, si id non faciant, incidant in maiorem. Nam neque virtute retinetur ille in vita, nec iis, qui sine virtute sunt, mors est oppetenda. Disserendi artem nullam habuit. Est autem etiam actio quaedam corporis, quae motus et status naturae congruentis tenet;



In these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”), “we” “us” “our” and “UBT” shall mean Universal Business Team, LLC in the United States of America and Silver Bridge Funding, Inc. O/A Universal Business Team in Canada, including any other affiliated businesses that sell products and services under any UBT brand. Unless otherwise specifically stated, the delivery of products and services through this Website will be by UBT.

UBT reserves the right to amend or change these Terms at any time, for any reason. Your use of this website (the "Website") acknowledges and represents your agreement to be bound by these Terms, including all amendments and changes hereto. You may terminate your use of the Website if any change to these Terms is unacceptable to you. Continued use of the Website following the effective date of any change to these Terms constitutes acceptance of the changes but does not affect the foregoing termination right.
These Terms were last updated April 1st, 2016.

All information in these Terms and use of the Website are intended for residents of the United States of America (“USA”) and Canada only.


Access to the Website and its products and services is open to members. You may request membership by providing information as set out on our registration page. Our Privacy Policy is linked on our home page and will show how we collect, store and use the details you provide.

You agree to ensure that your registration details are true and accurate at all times and you undertake to update your registration details when they change.

On registration, we will provide you with a password and username. You must ensure that your username and password remain secure and confidential. You are entirely responsible for all use, activities and charges associated with or arising from any use of your username and password (regardless of whether you authorized such use) including unauthorized use of your or any other credit card. Each username and password must be used by a single user and they are not transferable. We may monitor your use of the site using your login, including concurrent use of the same login and password. You must notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your username and password.

You agree to pay for services when you confirm your purchase as set out on the Website.

We reserve the right to terminate your membership if you breach these Terms or for any other reason in UBT's sole discretion. You agree UBT is not obligated to inform you of the reason for the termination of your membership.

This Website is intended to be used by members within the USA, Canada and the Caribbean only.

The Website, and any UBT products and/or services are provided to adults over the age of 18 years. When you use the Website or purchase products and/or services through the Website or through any of our other marketing initiatives, you acknowledge that you are over 18 years of age.


In exchange for your compliance with these Terms and, where applicable, payment of any applicable fees, UBT grants you a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive right to access and use the Website and products and information made available on the Website for your personal use.

Your limited right to access and use the products and information on the Website does not include the right to use any data mining robots or other extraction tools. Your limited right to use the Website does not permit you to metatag or mirror the Website without UBT’s prior written consent, which UBT may withhold for any reason. UBT may withdraw or terminate your right to access the Website if UBT becomes aware of activities by you in violation of any of these Terms.

Any violation of these Terms immediately terminates your right to access the Website.

You are permitted to download a copy of the products and information on this Website to your computer for your personal use provided you do not delete or change any copyright symbol, trademark, or other proprietary notice on or in the products or information. Your use of any UBT products, information, or other content in the Website in any other way infringes UBT’s intellectual property rights. The Intellectual Property section of these Terms sets out in more detail the limited rights you have to and with the products and information on the Website.


Links to or from third party internet sites outside the Website are meant for convenience only and your access to them is at your own risk. These links are not endorsements, guarantees or recommendations by UBT of the products or services offered on those sites. UBT cannot guarantee that these links are functional or secure and cannot be held responsible for damages or prejudice of any nature resulting from the use or the content of the other sites connected to the Website through links.


These Terms and any transactions contemplated by these Terms shall, in all respects, be construed according to, and the rights and liabilities of the parties shall in all respects be governed exclusively by, the laws of the State of Iowa for members located in the USA or the laws of the Province of Manitoba for members located in Canada, without reference to the rules of conflicts of law. Any dispute between you and UBT regarding these Terms arising in the USA shall be brought only in any state or federal court located in the State of Iowa, county of Polk. Any dispute between you and UBT regarding these Terms arising in Canada shall be determined by final and binding arbitration in Manitoba, on a simplified and expedited basis by one arbitrator pursuant to the current laws and rules relating to commercial arbitration in Manitoba on the date of the notice of arbitration. For greater certainty, you agree to waive any right you have may have to commence or participate in any class action against UBT and, where applicable, you also agree to opt out of any class proceedings against UBT.


Each provision of these Terms is intended to be severable and if any provision is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, such provision shall be severed from these Terms and will not affect the legality or validity or enforceability of the remainder of these Terms or any other provision and the Terms shall be construed, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the severed provision(s) to the extent possible under applicable law.

No delay on the part of UBT in exercising any right, power or privilege under these Terms shall operate as a waiver of those rights, nor preclude any other or further exercise of those rights or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege under these Terms.


If for any reason you feel UBT has not served your interests suitably or that some products do not meet your expectations, or if there is a hardship or other special consideration involved in your use of the Website or your relationship with UBT, UBT invites you to contact [email protected] to discuss such issues and to potentially reach a resolution. If this is not successful, then you may appeal the matter or forward complaints in writing to UBT by emailing [email protected].


UBT and all of UBT's officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, agents, successors, or assigns (collectively “UBT”) shall not be liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting in any way from (a) any errors in or omissions relating to the Website or the products not being available or not being included in or through the Website, (b) the unavailability or interruption of the Website or any products provided in or through the Website, (c) your use of the Website or any of the products offered in or through the Website, (d) the loss or corruption of any data or equipment in connection with the Website, (e) the content, accuracy, or completeness of any information or products offered on or through the Website, regardless of whether you received assistance in the use of the Website, (f) any delay or failure in performance beyond the reasonable control of UBT, or (g) any content retrieved from the Internet even if retrieved or linked to from within the Website.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, UBT, its agents, assigns, employees, contractors, consultants, and service providers and their respective successors and assigns shall not be liable to you or any third party for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever incurred through the use of the website, UBT products, and/or services. UBT is not responsible for any use of the website, UBT products and/or services by you or any third party, loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of reputation, or for any business interruption arising out of or in any way related to these terms of use, your use of, or inability to use, the UBT products. UBT is not responsible for any information, website content or materials made available by or on behalf of third parties whether referenced on the ubt website or otherwise accessible over the internet.

The aggregate liability of UBT in connection with these terms of use, your use of the website, any UBT products and/or services or any other circumstance giving rise to liability shall be limited to direct damages only and such direct damages shall not exceed the fee paid by you to UBT for UBT products and/or services giving rise to the dispute. In no event, however, shall such liability exceed $100.00 us/cad, as applicable.

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless UBT, its agents, assigns, employees, contractors, consultants, and service providers and their respective successors and assigns, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, liabilities, judgments, penalties whether civil or criminal, taxes, and all costs, liabilities and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees on a solicitor client basis) arising out of or relating to your use of the Website, UBT products and/or services, or that may be incurred by UBT arising out of, or relating to, your violation of these Terms, the misuse or illegal use of the Website, UBT products and/or services, or any violation by you of applicable law or rights of any third parties (including intellectual property rights), the failure of you to comply with applicable laws and regulations, any errors in any data (including maintenance data) supplied to UBT, or your gross negligence or willful misconduct.


The copyright to all content on the Website including but not limited to computer code, applets, graphics, images, layouts, music, audio, and visual material and text belongs to UBT or UBT has a license to use such materials. All trademarks, brands, and logos generally identified either with the symbols TM or ® which are used on this Website are either owned by UBT or UBT has a license to use them. When you visit the Website, UBT gives you a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable right to access and use UBT’s information for your own personal and business use. If you use UBT’s content in any other way, you will be infringing UBT’s intellectual property rights.


Any comment, feedback, idea, or suggestion (called “Comments”) which you provide to UBT through the Website or any other forum (including face-to-face sessions, seminars, chat lines, blogs, and the like) become UBT’s property. If in the future UBT uses your Comments in promoting its Website or products offered on or thorough the Website, or in any other way, UBT will depersonalize it unless your consent to use your name is obtained. Furthermore, you agree that UBT is entitled to use your Comments for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without compensation to you or to any other person who has transmitted your Comments. If you provide UBT with Comments, you acknowledge that you are responsible for the content of such material including its legality, originality, and copyright.


This Website and any of the products may contain Intellectual Property of UBT or licensors. If UBT finds you have used its copyright material contrary to these Terms, UBT may bring legal proceedings against you seeking monetary damages and an injunction to stop you using those materials.


By agreeing to these Terms, you are also agreeing to UBT's Privacy Policy as it appears on the Website. The Privacy Policy should be reviewed prior to completing any transaction on the Website.


We offer products via the Website, by email, by hard copy brochures, and by face to face selling. Our offers are made only for acceptance within the USA and Canada by persons over the age of 18 years. Every offer is made on the basis that UBT will consider an order from you pursuant to the offer and will conclude a sale at UBT’s sole discretion by accepting your order. If UBT elects to accept your order, UBT will notify you by email within 7 days of your order.


From time to time, UBT may offer products via the Website, by email, by hard copy brochures, and by face to face selling that are provided by third parties and which are typically subject to agreements whereby UBT benefits, whether by cash payment rebate, commissions, or otherwise for introducing you as a purchaser of those products. In purchasing such products, you hereby expressly acknowledge and consent to this arrangement. UBT may also receive transactional information in relation to these agreements for auditing of benefits and marketing purposes.


UBT strives to describe products included on the Website as accurately as possible. Images and pictures are provided by way of illustration and do not necessarily show the full designs or options of the products. No products come with any add on or accessory unless expressly stated.


Prices advertised are in US Dollars (www.ubteam.com) and Canadian Dollars (www.ubteam.ca), as applicable, and exclude all applicable taxes unless otherwise stated. Any applicable taxes shall be added to each invoice at check-out.

Fees for UBT products ("Fees") are outlined on the Website and become payable at the time you agree to purchase such UBT products. Payment may be made through any method authorized by UBT and UBT reserves the right to change, or to stop accepting, any permitted payment method at any time. You authorize UBT to charge you for any UBT products purchased by you at the time such Fees becomes payable and warrant that you are authorized to use the payment processor selected by you.

You specifically acknowledge and consent to the collection and use of your information, including personal information, by third party payment processors as necessary to process your payments.

In the event you believe that UBT has billed you in error, you must contact UBT within ninety (90) days of the date of purchase. No refunds or adjustments will be provided for charges which are more than ninety days old. By agreeing to these terms, you release UBT from all liability and claims resulting from any error that you do not report to UBT within ninety days of the date of purchase.


Depending on the products offered, delivery may be electronically by download, physically by transport selected by UBT, or by progressive release and delivery over a specified period. The title to any products sold to you will not pass to you until UBT has received payment in full. Costs of packaging and delivery to you will be paid by UBT unless stated otherwise.


UBT Customer Service team operates during business hours 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM central standard time, Monday through Friday, except for on public, governmental and statutory holidays. UBT will endeavor to respond within one business day to any customer enquiries sent to [email protected] during business hours. Otherwise contact with UBT can be made by calling 1 866 996 6336 to speak to a Customer Service representative. For all calls made after business hours, please leave your contact details so UBT can return your call at its earliest convenience.


If for any reason you are not satisfied with any UBT products, you may return them for a refund of your purchase price. Products returned for a refund must be received by UBT in their original saleable condition within 30 days of the sale. Products will remain at your risk until received by UBT. Your right for a refund for products for which you are not satisfied applies only to products supplied directly by UBT and not to products purchased from one of UBT’s suppliers. Other rights and remedies in relation to the products purchased from UBT include:

  • The benefit of all manufacturers’ warranties in relation to the products;
  • UBT’s warranty against defect in respect of all electronic hardware for the period of the manufacturers’ warranties, provided the hardware is used according to the manufacturers’ recommendations; and
  • UBT’s warranty that any electronic hardware that is inoperable on arrival or that fails within 30 days of shipping will be replaced by UBT as soon as possible, provided the faulty hardware is returned to UBT.

To utilize UBT's repair services, or make return requests, please contact [email protected] or call 1 866 996 6336. You will be given a reference number and instructions regarding how products are to be delivered to UBT. Always include the reference number provided, your current contact details, a description of the service you are seeking, and any requested supporting documentation. Where any returned products contain data, UBT cannot guarantee the recovery or transfer of that data. You are strongly recommended to back-up all your data on a regular basis and prior to returning any products for repair or warranty claims.


If you purchase UBT products that are defective, UBT may, at its option:

  • Repair or replace the products or any part of them or reimburse you for repair or replacing the products;
  • Resupply the services or pay the cost of having the services supplied again; or
  • Refund your purchase price.

UBT will always contact you to advise you of valid claims regarding any defective products, to accept a claim or to notify you that required repairs are chargeable.

Tampering with, attempting to repair, or damaging any products or devices may void your warranty, if any. Warranties, if any, do not cover user damage to the device. Warranties, if any, may not cover abnormal use or consumable parts.

When repairing or replacing equipment and hardware UBT may use refurbished or like new parts, and where UBT is unable to replace an item, UBT may provide an alternative that is like or superior to the goods replaced.

Please refer to the procedures in Paragraph 5.2 for making claims and arranging returns.


UBT represents and warrants that it has the right and authority to make the Website and the products offered on or through the Website available to you pursuant to these Terms.

Except as otherwise provided in the foregoing limited warranty, the website and products are provided on as “as is”, “as available” basis and UBT and each third party supplier of products expressly disclaim all other warranties, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

You agree that, the international conventions concerning the sale of goods shall not apply to these Terms or the provision of any products and services by UBT.


All software products sold by UBT are subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement and terms and conditions relating to that software. You acknowledge your obligation to honor such license agreements and terms and conditions. All rights, title, or interest in respect of the intellectual property rights in the software remain with UBT or the licensor of the software.


All computer hardware sold by UBT has Streamline3 software ("Streamline3") pre-installed, which you are licensed to use by the Monthly Software and System License fee. Streamline3 software manages access to the Internet on your behalf with default settings which you as the responsible business owner are able to modify for your intended use, subject to the following conditions:

  • Streamline3 software is not transferable to another device or user.
  • As the purchaser of a computer or laptop, you are responsible for the administration of the pre-installed Streamline3 software settings and must agree to the software licensing terms and conditions.
  • Removal and circumvention of the Streamline3 protection system provided is not to be undertaken in any way, form, or fashion and may breach its warranty.


These Terms, when read with any terms and conditions included with the products or provided at check-out relating to any purchase, represent the whole of the terms of the contract between you and UBT and all representations, warranties, undertakings, prior agreements, or arrangements, whether written or oral, are expressly excluded. Where there is a conflict between these Terms and terms and conditions included with the products, the terms and conditions with the products take precedence. You expressly acknowledge that in entering into a purchase with UBT you have not relied upon any prior representation made by UBT concerning the products, their uses, fitness, quality, or specifications.


UBT owns copyright in the content made available through all UBT products, including text, images and source code, and trade-mark rights in material used as trade-marks, including text, logos and icons. Nothing in these Terms vest or transfer any intellectual property rights in or to you and any use, alteration, or replication of any of UBT's intellectual property is a violation of these Terms and applicable USA, Canadian and International intellectual property laws.

You agree to not take any action to jeopardize, limit or interfere with UBT's intellectual property rights, including making copies of copyright protected material and using or challenging UBT's trade-marks.

Certain materials or information available to you through the UBT products or through links to third party websites may be subject to third party intellectual property rights. All such intellectual property rights are and shall remain the property of their respective owners or creators (as the case may be). You acknowledge and agree that UBT is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or content provided by or on behalf of third parties.

UBT, www.ubteam.com, and www.ubteam.ca are the trademarks and service marks of UBT. All other trademarks, service marks and logos used in this site are the trademarks, service marks, or logos of their respective owners. Nothing on the Website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any trademark, service mark, or logo displayed on the Website without the express written permission of UBT or the third party that may own the trademark, service mark, or logo.


Period of Subscriptions

When you purchase a subscription service through UBT, UBT will send you a confirmation email advising when your services will commence. All subscription services including, but not limited to, one-year subscriptions are provided on a monthly recurring basis until terminated in writing by either you or UBT. After termination, the services expire at the end of the next calendar month. One-year subscribers will continue on a monthly basis for twelve months, and monthly thereafter at the then current monthly fee.

Updating subscription packages

Some subscription services are priced according to your desired package and also according to the number of your staff. If your business circumstances change you may no longer qualify for the existing package for which you have subscribed. You are required to notify UBT in writing of such change, and UBT may require you to move to another package. You may upgrade packages at any time by terminating the existing package and subscribing to the new package.

Access to events

Where your subscription service includes access to seminars or webinars, UBT will require you to accept booking terms and conditions relating to the event when registering your delegates.

Subscriptions non-transferable

Subscription services and all products, including those provided for free, are only for the use of the nominated customer and are non-transferrable to other or related entities unless authorized in writing by UBT. You are not entitled to a refund of any unused subscription inclusions, including those that have limitations on their availability.

Changes to Services and Fees

Monthly subscription service fees and services may change at any time. UBT may introduce new fees, or add, subtract, or vary the subscription services from time to time; UBT will, however, provide at least 30 days' notice to your nominated email address of any changes. If you object to any such change, you may terminate your subscription before the change comes into effect. If you do not cancel your subscription within the 30 days' notice period, you agree to accept the change. One-year subscribers will be unaffected by fee increases except where they relate to changes in subscription service package or staff numbers.

Payment information

UBT may continue to use your existing payment information and authorization:
For new subscription fees and/or services, provided UBT has given you at least 30 days' notice of the intended change; and
For monthly subscriptions following the expiration of a one-year subscription.

Termination of Subscription

Either UBT or you may, without giving a reason, terminate subscription services by giving at least 30 days' written notice prior to the beginning of the next billing period.
UBT may immediately terminate your access and use of any part of your package at its sole discretion:
In the event of non-payment; or
If UBT believes you may be breaching any of the subscription service terms or these Terms. In such circumstances UBT will refund any subscription service access fees relating to days beyond the termination date less any fees outstanding from you.

Expiry of Subscription

Upon termination, other than immediate termination, your access to the existing subscription services will expire at the end of the next calendar month. One-year subscribers will be entitled to a refund of subscription service access fees paid for all months beyond the next calendar month end, less an adjustment based on the then current monthly subscription service fee.


1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy applies to:

  • UBT Marketing Pty Ltd, Registered office: The Precinct, Level 6, 10 Herb Elliott Ave, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127, Australia;
  • UBT Holdings Ltd, Registered Office: 5 Noel Rodgers Place, Milson, Palmerston North 4414, New Zealand;
  • Universal Business Team LLC, Registered Office: 100 Challenger Road, Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, North America;
  • Universal Business Team S. A, Registered Office: La Horqueta 1124, Monte Grande, Province of Buenos Aires and;
  • any related bodies corporate (we, us, our).
    • explains how we collect, hold, use and disclose Personal Information (defined below) regulated by applicable privacy laws and how we comply with the requirements under the applicable privacy laws.
    • applies in respect of all Personal Information collected by us on our websites and any other platforms or applications we may offer with a link to this Privacy Policy, including the Personal Information of clients, member businesses and suppliers. It does not apply to any other information collected by us through any other means.

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version will be posted on https://ubteam.com/ where this will be updated. It will be effective from the date of posting. Unless otherwise required by law, it is your responsibility to check our website from time to time in order to determine whether there have been any changes.

2. The kind of Personal Information we collect

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable: (a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and (b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not (Personal Information).

Sensitive information is Personal Information which may include, but is not limited to, information or an opinion about an employee's membership of a professional or trade association, or membership of a trade union, or information about any criminal record or employee health information (Sensitive Information).

The types of Personal Information we collect about you depends on the circumstances in which that information is collected, and can include data collected through our volunteers. The kinds of Personal Information we collect and hold includes:

  • for users of our website, contact information such as name, postal address, email address and telephone number, other data about you such as gender, marital status, dietary information, special needs data, passport and frequent flyer data and information about your religious beliefs, as well as data associated with your use of the website, such as bank details for direct debit payments and credit card information, as well as information you submit via online forms and your use of any other platforms or applications we may offer. This may include information about the device you are using, as well as:
    • information about which pages you visit and which resources you use on our site
    • information about how you got to our site
    • your internet protocol address known as your IP address which is used to connect your device to the internet
    • your device’s operating system and platform
    • the type and version of the browser you are using
    • browser plug-in types and versions which extend the functionality of your browser, for example Pinterest, Evernote and Adblock
    • MAC addresses which are used as network addresses for Wi-Fi and Ethernet
    • traffic data, which is aggregated information about the number of visitors, sessions, users and page visits to our site
    • geolocation data
    • time zone setting
    • weblogs
  • for our clients, member businesses and other partners:
    • the client, member business or partner's contact information such as name, postal address, email address and telephone number;
    • information collected when you visit one of our sites, which may include CCTV footage and car registration details;
    • addresses of the site or premises where we are supplying any products and/or services;
    • billing information; and
    • other information relevant to the provision of products and/or services by or on behalf of us to the client, member business or partner's premises;
  • for our suppliers and service providers, names and contact details of individuals working for those suppliers and service providers, who we deal with;
  • for prospective personnel seeking employment or engagement with us, and where permitted by applicable privacy laws, contact information, curriculum vitae, current employment information (e.g. job title and employer), professional association memberships, criminal record, general health information, religious beliefs and other information about your suitability for employment with or engagement by us; and
  • for other individuals, name, contact details and any other information relevant to our interactions with you.

3. How we collect Personal Information

3.1 Personal Information generally

We collect Personal Information about you where it is reasonably necessary for us to perform one or more of our functions or activities.

We will generally collect your Personal Information from you directly. There are however, circumstances in which we collect Personal Information from third party individuals, business entities and governmental agencies, such as signatories to the GAP Global Limited Amended and Restated Members Agreement (GAP Global Members), courts, public and law enforcement agencies, and credit bureaus, regardless of whether such individual, business entity or governmental agency compiled the information itself or received it from other sources.

Where we collect Personal Information from a third party, we will handle that information in accordance with applicable local privacy laws, this Privacy Policy and any obligations we have to that third party.

If you provide to us Personal Information about another person, we are relying on you having addressed all relevant consents, notifications and other requirements to enable us to process the Personal Information for our purpose of collection.

We may collect Personal Information about prospective personnel, by conducting reference and background checks in relation to their application for employment with us from time to time, including searches for any criminal records, employment and education verifications, personal credit history based on reports from any credit bureau and searches of any public records, where permitted by applicable privacy laws.

3.2 Sensitive Information

We will only collect, use and disclose Sensitive Information about you where you have provided your consent to the collection of that information, or where we are required or authorised by law to do so. Such Sensitive Data may in certain circumstances include biometric data such as biometric facial scans. In providing any consents to the collection or handling of Personal Information (including Sensitive Information), you consent to us collecting, holding, using and disclosing the information you provide in accordance with the terms of those consents and this Privacy Policy.

3.3 If your Personal Information is not provided

If you do not provide us with your Personal Information when requested or if you provide us with inaccurate Personal Information, this may limit the assistance we are able to provide to you, including assistance we are contracted to provide on behalf of a third party. For example, we may not be able to provide the product and/or service you may have requested and may not be able to handle enquiries in connection with those products and/or services, or process your job application.

3.4 Cookies

Our website uses a technology called “cookies” and web server logs to collect information about how the website is used including, where available, your IP address, browser type and the geographical location of your computer. We also use Google Analytics to collect details of how you use our site, as well as anonymous data that you enter into our forms. We do this to help us analyse how visitors use our site (including behaviour patterns and the tracking of visits across multiple devices), administer our site and manage your account. Google Analytics doesn’t collect information that identifies a visitor to our site. All the information that is collected is anonymous and is only used to improve how our site works. We do not allow Google to make any attempt to establish the identities of any users of our site.

4. How we use and disclose Personal Information

4.1 General purposes

We collect, hold, use and disclose Personal Information about individuals for a variety of business purposes.

These include, without limitation, to:

  • monitor and evaluate the performance and security of our website and any other platform or application we may offer, including to:
    • administer our site
    • improve our site to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner
    • allow you to participate in interactive features of our services when you choose to do so
    • analyse how visitors use our site (including behaviour patterns and the tracking of visits across multiple devices)
    • improve your online experience
  • facilitate the provision of our products and/or services to our clients and member businesses who have engaged us;
  • facilitate the provision of such other products and/or services that we or others may offer from time to time and provide information about their availability, features and benefits;
  • work with and procure goods and/or services from our suppliers and service providers;
  • facilitate recruitment and selection of prospective personnel;
  • facilitate conferences, training and education programs, and event management;
  • provide and manage charitable assistance;
  • issue newsletters and provide information on church services or other sponsored events;
  • conduct audit, accounting, financial and economic analysis of our business operations;
  • respond to enquiries or investigate and resolve complaints;
  • protect our legal rights, investigate suspected fraud or other misconduct, or assist law enforcement agencies; and
  • comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

We may also use and disclose Personal Information we collect for other purposes that are permitted, required or authorised by applicable law, which may include:

  • purposes which you would reasonably expect and which are related (and, in the case of Sensitive Information, directly related) to the primary purpose of collection of Personal Information; and
  • any other purposes for which you have given your consent.

4.2 Marketing

We will only use or disclose your Personal Information for the purposes of direct marketing (e.g. in relation to products and/or services we may offer from time to time) where we have your consent or we are otherwise permitted by law to do so.

You are free to opt out from receiving marketing communications from us, by:

  • following the “opt out” process indicated in a marketing communication you have received;
  • emailing us at [email protected] at any time requesting that your name and email address be removed from our marketing lists; or
  • following such other process that is made available for this purpose from time to time or otherwise as required by applicable law.

4.3 Disclosure of Personal Information

In order to perform activities in connection with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, we may make Personal Information available to other persons or entities, or disclose it to them, as permitted by applicable privacy laws, including:

  • our suppliers and service providers, including those to whom we outsource certain of our information technology functions (e.g. cloud service providers). We authorise our suppliers and service providers to use or disclose your Personal Information only as necessary to provide us with supplies or perform services on our behalf, or to comply with legal requirements. We require suppliers and service providers by contract to safeguard the privacy and security of Personal Information they process on our behalf;
  • any corporate purchaser or prospect to the extent permitted by law as part of any merger, acquisition, sale of our assets, or transition of service to another provider, as well as in the event of insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership in which Personal Information would be transferred as an asset of us;
  • other related bodies corporate;
  • government, regulatory, judicial or law enforcement authorities;
  • accountants, insurers, auditors, lawyers and our professional advisers; and
  • any other third parties notified to you at or around the time we collect your Personal Information (together, the Required Recipients).

We may disclose Personal Information to GAP Global Members and Required Recipients who are located in Australia, Argentina, the Caribbean, North America, Europe, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Therefore, it may be necessary to transfer Personal Information across country borders. Some of the countries to which information is transferred may not have laws regulating the collection and disclosure of Personal Information, or may not provide an equivalent level of protection as your home jurisdiction. Cross-border transfer may still, therefore, be necessary for the conclusion or performance of a transaction that you are requesting, and for the establishment, exercise, and defense of legal claims. In these circumstances, we will take steps to ensure that the recipients of the Personal Information comply with applicable privacy laws. To the extent permitted by local applicable law or otherwise legally required, your use of our website and any other platform or application we may offer or provision of any Personal Information constitutes your consent to the cross-border transfer of your Personal Information and the other activities identified in this Privacy Policy.

5. How we hold Personal Information

The security and confidentiality of your Personal Information matters to us. That’s why we have administrative, technical and physical safeguards in place to protect your Personal Information from misuse and loss, and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

We hold Personal Information both electronically and in paper form. Unless the law requires otherwise, we take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify Personal Information if it is no longer required. We provide the option to encrypt all information you submit to us using Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”) technology that helps protect information during transport to our website and any other platform or application we may offer. We also review our security procedures periodically to consider appropriate new technology and updated methods.

Even so, despite our reasonable efforts, no security measure is ever perfect or impenetrable.

6. Access to Personal Information

You may request access to and correction of Personal Information that we hold about you. Such requests should be made in writing using the contact details at the end of this Privacy Policy. We will consider all requests to access and correct Personal Information within a reasonable time. Unless there are reasons why we cannot provide you with access to your Personal Information (e.g. for legal reasons), the Personal Information we hold about you will be made available to you or corrected within a reasonable time after we receive your request, or as may otherwise be required pursuant to applicable privacy laws.

There is no charge for requesting access to your Personal Information, however, to the extent permissible under applicable privacy laws, we reserve the right to charge reasonable costs for providing access to that Personal Information.

7. Keeping Personal Information current and accurate

We take reasonable steps to periodically review information collection and storage practices to ensure that Personal Information we hold is accurate, up-to-date and complete. However, you should ensure that the Personal Information provided to us is accurate, complete and up-to-date at the time it is provided and you should notify us of any changes to or errors in your Personal Information.

To notify us of changes to or errors in Personal Information that we hold about you, please contact us using the contact details at the end of this Privacy Policy and we will amend our records as appropriate.

8. Enquiries and complaints

If you wish to make an enquiry or complaint to us regarding privacy matters, you should contact us in writing using the contact details at the end of this Privacy Policy. We will endeavour to respond to your enquiry or complaint within 30 days, or as otherwise required pursuant to applicable law.

If we fail to respond to a complaint within a reasonable time or if you are dissatisfied with our response, you should discuss your concerns with an independent adviser or contact your local data protection or privacy regulator.

9. Third party sites

Please remember that when you use a link to go from our website, platform or application to another website, this Privacy Policy is no longer in effect. Your browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites which are linked to our website, platform or application is subject to that website’s own rules and policies. We are not responsible for the content or the conduct of the organisations accessed via links to such third party websites.

10. Contact us

You may contact us in relation to privacy matters at:

Postal Address: The Precinct, Level 6, 10 Herb Elliott Ave, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127, Australia

Email: [email protected]

All correspondence attention: Privacy Officer

Privacy Policy Dated: January 2021


Supplemental Terms - Jurisdiction Specific

The following are specific provisions which modify the Privacy Policy for certain jurisdictions. The Supplemental Terms should be read together with the Privacy Policy. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of the Supplemental Terms – Jurisdiction-Specific that are relevant to your jurisdiction from which you access our website and/or provide your Personal Information, and the rest of this Privacy Policy, the relevant jurisdiction's Supplemental Terms – Jurisdiction-Specific will supersede and control to the extent of any conflict or inconsistency.

All definitions used in the Supplemental Terms are given the meanings contained in the Privacy Policy, unless otherwise defined in the Supplemental Terms.


If you are located in New Zealand, then in addition to the rights of access to, and correction of, your Personal Information as recorded in section 6 of this Privacy Policy, you also have the right to:

  1. provide us with a statement of correction (Statement of Correction) sought to your Personal Information; and
  2. request that we attach the Statement of Correction to your Personal Information if we do not make the correction sought.


If you are an individual and legal entity residing in Argentina, the provisions outlined below are exclusively applicable to you:

  1. By browsing and/or registering and/or using our website and any other platforms or applications we may offer, and/or by providing Personal Information to us, you expressly accept and consent to this updated Privacy Policy. If you do not accept this updated Privacy Policy, you must not browse, register in, or use our website and any other platforms or applications we may offer, nor provide Personal Information to us.
  2. The location of the databases where your Personal Information is stored is the United Kingdom, United States, Australia and New Zealand
  3. "Personal Information" means information of any kind related to an identified or identifiable individual or legal entity.
  4. "Sensitive Information" means Personal Information revealing racial and ethnic origin, political opinions, religious, philosophical or moral beliefs, labour union membership, and information concerning health conditions or sexual habits or behaviour.
  5. Providing inaccurate Personal Information will have the consequences stated under Section 3.3 of the Privacy Policy.
  6. It is expressly stated that some jurisdictions under Section 4.3 of the Privacy Policy may not offer levels of personal data protection equivalent to those offered by Argentine regulations, and you expressly consent that we can share your Personal Information with the GAP Global Members and Required Recipients, even if they are located in those countries that afford a lower level of protection.
  7. In addition to the rights detailed under Section 6 of the Privacy Policy you have, among others, the right to request the suppression of your Personal Information from our databases.
  8. Also, we hereby inform you that: "In Argentina the data owner is entitled to exercise the right of access to his/her/it personal data free of charge at intervals of not less than six months, unless a legitimate interest to that effect is established in accordance with article 14, paragraph 3 of Law No. 25,326. THE PUBLIC INFORMATION ACCESS AGENCY, in its capacity as the Control Entity of Law No. 25,326, has the power to attend complaints and claims filed by those whose rights are affected due to breaches to applicable regulations on personal data protection. The data owner may at any time request the removal or blocking of his/her/its name from the databases referred to in this article. Every communication with advertising purposes that is carried out by mail, telephone, email, Internet or any other future remote mean, shall state expressly and prominently the possibility of the data owner to request the withdrawal or blockage, in whole or in part, of his/her/it name from the database. At the request of the interested party, the name of the person responsible or user of the database that provided the information must be reported."

3. USA

If you are located in USA, the provisions outlined below are exclusively applicable to you.

For the purposes of the USA Supplemental Terms, "Site" means Personal Information collected on our websites, mobile applications, or cloud-based services and communication platforms with a link to this Privacy Policy. It does not apply to any other information collected by us through any other means.

In addition to section 3.4 (Cookies) of the Privacy Policy, the following provisions apply:

  1. You can use our services without consenting to non-essential cookies or direct marketing emails; the only consequences being that our services will be less communicated, we may not be able to provide the support you seek, and you may miss out on news about our services.
  2. Information Collected Through Technology. Information is also obtained in other ways through technology we deploy. Some of this information may be linked to you personally. In accordance with applicable law, we use and allow third parties to use essential and non-essential cookies, online tracking tools, web beacons, and similar technologies (collectively, “cookies”) on our Site. We process this information to help our Site function correctly, and better understand the needs of our customers.
  3. Cookies on our Site generally fall into the following categories:
    1. Strictly Necessary Cookies: These are required for the operation of our Site. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas. These cookies are session cookies which are erased when you close your browser.
    2. Analytical/Performance Cookies: These allow us to recognize and count the number of users of our Site and see how those users navigate through our Site. This helps to improve how our Site works, for example, by ensuring that users can find what they are looking for easily. These cookies are session cookies which are erased when you close your browser.
    3. Functional Cookies: These improve the functional performance of our Site and make it easier for you to use. For example, cookies are used to remember that you have previously visited the Site and asked to remain logged into it. These cookies are session cookies which are erased when you close your browser.
  4. Use of cookies. We advertise in a number of ways, including online through managed social media presences, and on other unaffiliated sites and mobile applications. To understand how our advertising campaigns are performing, we may collect certain information via cookies on our Site through our advertising service providers. The information we collect includes IP addresses, the number of page visits, pages viewed via our Site, search engine referrals, browsing activities over time and across other websites following your visit to our Site or applications, and responses to advertisements and promotions on the websites and applications where we advertise.
  5. We also use certain information to identify new visitors to our Site, recognize returning visitors, advertise on other websites and mobile applications not affiliated with us, analyze the effectiveness of our advertisements, better understand our audience, customers, or other Site visitors, and determine whether you might be interested in new services.
  6. In addition to the Privacy Policy, the following provision applies:
  7. Minors: This Site is not intended or directed to individuals under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect any Personal Information from minors, or knowingly track the use of our Site by children. If we have actual knowledge that Personal Information about a person under 18 years old has been collected, then we will take the appropriate steps to remove or disable that Personal Information. If you believe we have impermissibly collected Personal Information from someone under the age of 18, please contact us as detailed in our Privacy Policy above at section 10.


If you are located in Canada, the provisions outlined below are exclusively applicable to you.

In addition to Privacy Policy:

  1. You may control and manage the use of cookies by modifying your browser's settings and preferences. Removing or blocking cookies may impact your user experience and certain parts of our website may not be fully accessible.
  2. To the extent that your Personal Information is transferred outside of Canada pursuant to the terms of this Privacy Policy, it may be subject to the laws of that jurisdiction, which may be different from the laws of Canada.
  3. You have the right to withdraw your consent, so that we no longer process Personal Information in way that you previously consented to. In certain instances, we may require that you provide additional information in order to verify your identity before we process your requests.
